The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Thirty

We have just one more day… and I’ve totally fallen off the bandwagon of success the past few days.

I guess I’ll blame the holiday weekend and the fact that I was away.  You’d think being out camping in nature would foster that needed alone time of silence… yeah right…

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Free Printable Friday: Person Of Interest TV Tracker

I know, I KNOW.  It’s been several weeks since I’ve rolled out a #freeprintablefriday.  So here we are at it again.

I just found this show by accident on Netflix..and holy hotness Jim Caviezel.

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The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Twenty-Five

Yesterday was an adventure.

The adventure was tick related.  But urgent care came to my rescue and I was able to work on my drawing skills for my BuJo…

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The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Twenty-Three

23. We’re doing this.  I’m getting the hang of this. And I’ve already decided that I want to challenge myself again next month.

And right smack in the middle of the month I would choose to do a crazy thing and switch my BuJo over from a Leuchtturn1917 journal to a passport sized travelers notebook – what was I thinking!?!?

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The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Twenty-Two (and 19-21)

Well – it’s safe to say that weekends are not exactly Miracle Morning savvy yet…

Sorry for my lack of posting the past few days. But now I’m back and ready to be UNSTOPPABLE. Especially now that we’ve entered the final 10 day stretch!

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The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Eighteen

I can not even believe it has been 18 days since I started this Miracle Morning Challenge! Only 13 more days to go and I’ll be well on my way to an UNSTOPPABLE Morning routine.

If you’re still on the fence about this whole morning routine, just try it… you won’t be sorry!!

Continue reading “The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Eighteen”

The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Seventeen

Seventeen. I can’t believe that I’ve been doing this routine for 17 days (well mostly).

Things have been MUCH better today than the have in past days.  I devote that 100% to the start of the book of Nehemiah today.

Continue reading “The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Seventeen”

The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Sixteen

We’ve reached the half-way point and I’m finally beginning to get the hang of this routine… I think.

My Miracle Morning has changed every day.  And I’m okay with that, but the thing that doesn’t change is getting up and doing something within my routine.  I’m okay with this!

Continue reading “The Miracle Morning Challenge: Day Sixteen”