Inside My Pen Case

This is not my first post about carrying my supplies on the go… nor will it be my last I’m sure. But this is what is currently working for me.

I purchased this case after months of drooling over Kara’s (@bohoberry).  She has the green one, but I chose to go with black – as I just have a thing for black.

This case is great. And the perfect size for carrying the essentials.  I have a Kipling 100 pen Case (in bright yellow I might add) that I LOVE! But it really is big and bulky and so hard to carry around places.  Plus that usually gets me some serious stares when I pull it out…

So anyways, right now my case is all prepped for the things I’m using to set up my new BuJo that I’ll begin on September 1.  September is my favorite, as is fall, so most of my colored pens and markers are reflecting that.

The mesh zipper pocket houses some ink cartridges for my Pilot Metropolitans (the grey and green pens in the pen slots) plus a few extra standard cartridges that work with my Nemosine Singularity Demonstrator fountain pen (hidden below with all the other pens.) Although that pen is filled with bottled ink, I hate to carry the bottles around, so I carry a few cartridges just in case I run out in a pinch. In the Velcro pocket below the mesh pocket, I carry a Bic White-Out Mini.

I keep my fountain pens (all but the Nemosine Singularity Demonstrator) in the pen slots in the case.  My hope is to invest in a Chic Sparrow Odyssey TN cover soon, which has a pen loop where I’ll likely keep the Nemosine pen. For now I’m using the TN cover that I made myself, but I can’t decide on a pen loop option that I like for the system, so I currently have none.

(Check out the DIY post on how I made my TN Cover here.  And an update on how I’m now using the system here.)

Then below that flip pen slot section, is where the good colors are!!

I recently invested (the whole $6.99 cost) in a set of 50 Crayola Super-Tips. #bestdecisionever.  I love these markers.  Don’t get me wrong – I love the Tombows and the Staedtler Triplus Fineliners too, but I have this thing about the tips of my markers and the fineliners get flattened all too quickly.  And the expense of the Tombows just isn’t something I want to invest in all the time for the colors I want.

When I got the Crayola Super-Tips, I numbered each of the markers on the white bottom since none of the colors have names on the marker itself! This way I could easily tell which color was which.

I also carry a stencil for my weather icons that I use on my daily entries, plus a set of Artist’s Loft Illistration pens.

I’m pretty excited to share with you some things that will be coming up in the next few weeks on my blog! So make sure to stay tuned and subscribe so you don’t miss any of my adventures!


Inside My BuJo: July 2017

Another month has come and gone! So it’s time again to take a peek inside my BuJo for the month of July!

I think I feel this about every month: this has been my favorite month so far in my Bullet Journaling journey! 

Continue reading “Inside My BuJo: July 2017”

Vacation Journaling

This may be a little redundant since I’ve already touched on how I journaled for my last little trip I went on… but I did promise in my last post that I would share what I did while I was on vacation.

I tried to journal every day.  In my Pre-Vacation post I showed my toolbox of supplies that I took with me. That was actually probably more than I really needed to bring.  But you never can tell.

Continue reading “Vacation Journaling”

Inside My BuJo: June 2017

Well June has come and gone, so it’s time again to share my favorite spreads from June! 

So here you have it! 
Keep on reading!

Vacation Planning and Journaling (Pre-Trip)

I’m leaving Sunday for a week in the Adirondacks.  It’s been YEARS since I’ve actually had a week long vacation, and I’m overly excited, at least that’s what I tell myself since last night I got a whopping 1 hour of sleep. Plus with this trip there’s camping and hiking (and kayaking) involved.

I recently saw a post in one of the Bullet Journal Facebook groups I’m a member of about vacation Journaling and decided I was defenitly going to make that happen for this trip! Unfortunatly when I went back to look for the video to tag it I couldn’t find it! Sorry! Just know this idea isn’t actually mine.

Continue reading “Vacation Planning and Journaling (Pre-Trip)”

Free Printable Friday: TV Show Tracker: Supergirl

I actually haven’t seen this show.  But I am a huge fan of ARROW and THE FLASH so… I have high hopes for when I do start watching.


So now with this handy tracker I’ll be able to watch and keep track in peace.

Continue reading “Free Printable Friday: TV Show Tracker: Supergirl”

Inductive Bible Study in the Bullet Journal

I’ve mentioned that I’ve fallen in love with doing inductive Bible studies.  And I used to use a prayer & bible study journal separate from my planning bullet journal.  But I’ve been feeling lead to use the BuJo in a more memory-keeping, journaling type setting.

So with my recent completion of the book of Ezra, and now that I’ve moved on to Nehemiah I contemplated how to do this type of Inductive Study – taking notes and such within my planning Bullet Journal.

Continue reading “Inductive Bible Study in the Bullet Journal”

Free Printable Friday: TV Show Tracker: REIGN (Update)

Another update to another show that is sadly ending after this 4th season.


Continue reading “Free Printable Friday: TV Show Tracker: REIGN (Update)”

Inside My Fifth Bullet Journal

You did read that right… my FIFTH bullet journal. Oh how a wonderful time it has been.

I’ve actually been using my SIXTH journal now for just over a month, so it’s high time we take a little gander through BuJo Numero 5!

Continue reading “Inside My Fifth Bullet Journal”